oc weekly cover

I did a photo essay on this year's fair for oc weekly. I hadn't been to the fair in a really long time. It was fun walking around and shooting, people examining, eating the enormous food, and then riding enormous rides. Not so fun seeing the cattle that would later be auctioned off to butchers and then made into beef briskets.
Labels: work
Buddyhead and Dios
I shot Travis Keller of the infamous Buddyhead.com music gossip site last week for LA Weekly. Issue is out this week.

Dios is one of the first bands on the new Buddyhead label. It was fun shooting them cause I've know Patrick Butterworth for years and used to go see his old band Shoegazer play. Good ol' days..
I'll be posting the tears on my site soon.

Dios is one of the first bands on the new Buddyhead label. It was fun shooting them cause I've know Patrick Butterworth for years and used to go see his old band Shoegazer play. Good ol' days..
I'll be posting the tears on my site soon.

nice way to start my day

...seeing that I'm listed on this website in Germany. It's not a great site or anything but I'm listed under some great and famous photographers so it made me smile big this morning as I was drinking my coffee and waking up. Man Ray, Rineke Dijkstra, Vanessa Beecroft, Henri Cartier-Bresson, and ME! Feels good to have someone over seas appreciate my work and someone who I've never met as well. :)
www.jenniewarren.com ...ausgefallene portraits und interessante Fotoprojekte sind im Portfolio von Jennie zu sehen
"unusual portraits and interesting projects are in the portfolio of Jennie to see"

"Johnny made it with himself" is part of a personal series I am working on. I don't want to say much more about it until I have more images shot and done but I posted this for last month's assignment "coupling" which you can also view at www.thisisaphotoblog.com which is a photo collective I'm a part of. There's some amazing photographers contributing to the site so check it out if you can.