Friday, February 27, 2009

Saving the Bees

"“This is a huge hive,” Andrews tells Martha and Yrarrázaval, as she continues to listen through her stethoscope. “It keeps going down. It’s been around a long time.” She grips a crowbar and pries open another chunk of drywall. More bees come out—a couple of dozen, then hundreds, soon thousands. They cloud the enclosed space like some cheap exploitation movie. The Foothill Feed owner stands behind her pickup, fearful. Andrews, Martha and Yrarrázaval act as if they’re out for Sunday tea." -ocweekly

I got to photograph the Backyard Beekeepers for the OC Weekly, story by Gustavo Arellano. These women go out to peoples homes or places of work and will remove your bee hive without harming the precious bees and at no cost to you! I have always had a slight fear of bees and getting stung, but it all changed during this shoot. I was not frightened at all and the bees were so calm (there I am below in my bee suit). People have very stong opinons on this subject and of course I photographed the other side of the story as well- the exterminator company known as "Bee Busters". Check out the story online to find out more.


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Altpick Awards

I got second place in the 2008 Altpick awards! (click here) I will be included in the Altpick Deck that comes out in April. You can get a copy of the deck from their website: It's free if you are an art director, creative director, creative buyer or photo editor!


Thursday, February 19, 2009


Friday, February 13, 2009

new tear

Editor's portrait for Vegetarian Times magazine
